
Snipemonkey triggered Get visits on any post (x12)
Snipemonkey triggered Get visits on any post (x13)
Snipemonkey unlocked the LOOK AT ME BEING ACTIVE PEASANTS Badge
Snipemonkey triggered Unlocked a Badge (x1)
Snipemonkey triggered Earn all rewards of any calendar (x0)
Snipemonkey completed the Earn all Daily Login Rewards for 1 consecutive week
Snipemonkey triggered Log in to website (x13)
Snipemonkey completed the 10 Hunt Dollars for logging in to the website today
Snipemonkey earned 10 hunt dollars for a new total of 1,267 hunt dollars
Snipemonkey triggered Daily visit the website (x7)

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U2EZ Clan © 2023  •  Web design by Snipemonkey. All related content, characters, names and materials that could be part of an existing work, are the exclusive property of their Creators. Hunt: Showdown is owned by Crytek. Any images used for Hunt: Showdown on our site is the property of Crytek.  (https://www.crytek.com) This includes “Hunt Dollars” image used for our daily website login rewards. These login rewards DO NOT give in-game currency and you cannot purchase anything real with them. They are purely for members to compete for top activity on our clan site